Monday, June 24, 2019

Puzzle #34 - Counting in Circles (Fillomino)

This would be my favorite Fillomino of this batch for the theming that I spent ages on, but then it turns out I constructed what I think is a more interesting solve path immediately after.


  1. This is an exceptionally beautiful Fillomino, and on top of that the solving path is very sweet as well. (Must have been really tough to get the theme to work.) Thank you!

  2. Came here from Cracking the Cryptic. I am soooo good at this that I didn't even need the bottom right corner square!.
    Seriously - I can't see how anything but an 8 can reach that corner and I can't get it to solve if I do put an 8 in that corner. Any hint?

    1. Never mind - I thought the given numbers were to cover the entire grid! My bad.
