Monday, April 27, 2020

Puzzle #125 - Islands in the Stream (Mystery Combo)

Recently, added a network play feature to allow for collaborative solving. This system mirrors inputs between any grids with the same key, and can be used to create cooperative puzzles where both solvers have incomplete information. If you want to attempt this puzzle with or without a friend, give them the second link, both select network play and change the key to something agreed upon. I recommend switching sides on this one to experience both halves.

This is a bit less crazy than my usual fare for puzzles divisible by 25, but that's because I've been working on a few other ideas and focusing my puzzle creation more towards competition sets lately- which I will still post here eventually. Keep an eye out- I'll post (possibly with preview puzzles?) if/when those get started!

Images after the break.

1 comment:

  1. So ... these two puzzles work together to yield a single solution ... cool. And, it seems that standard Creek and Shimaguni rules apply -- ok, I got that. But then, what do the empty circles mean in the Creek grid?
