Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Puzzle #65 - Much Love (Foursight)

This is another Foursight puzzle, themed around, well. You'll see. The type has a ton of fun theme potential!

Foursight is an original creation by wormsofcan, heavily inspired by Yajisan-Kazusan, and was featured in WAPC Part 2 with a pretty tricky but fun puzzle. This genre is one of my absolute favorites and I wish there were more puzzles of the type. Be the change you wish to see and all that, so... I made a couple.

The rules are as follows:
Shade black some tetrominos on the grid. Tetrominos may be rotated and/or reflected. Tetrominos may not be adjacent to each other. The remaining white cells must form a connected region. Cells with clues may be shaded. Each unshaded clue gives the shape of the first tetromino seen in the given direction, or X if there is no such tetromino. Clues that end up shaded are irrelevant and may or may not be true.
As before, no interface or link here. Just a puzzle with a theme I'm very happy with.


  1. Solved the small one (Puzzle 64) first, and then this one. This is an utterly brilliant idea for a type, and both puzzles are very beautiful to look at and amazingly fun to solve. I love how many different kinds of logic this weaves together; the solving paths for both puzzles are impressively tricky and varied. Would be absolutely delighted to see more of these. Thank you!

    (Also, do you think this could work with pentominoes?)

    1. If you'd like to see more, there's one in the WAPC2 set of puzzles, in addition to these 3 that were originally shared:

      I think that the genre could work with pentominoes but would be a lot harder to construct- I probably won't be trying, though I do want to make some more with tetrominoes later.

    2. Thanks for the links! I solved all three; the first one felt a bit too easy, but the other two were great. Who wrote these? And is there any way to see the WAPC2 puzzle without signing up with LMI? The puzzle booklet is password-protected even though the contest is over.

    3. All 3 of those, and the LMI puzzle were created by wormsofcan.
      I've just mirrored both WAPC booklets (unprotected) to my Dropbox- there's a lot of good puzzles in both!

    4. Many thanks for these, this is really kind of you! Solved the Foursight right away, and it was on par with the other Discord ones. I looked at your set, too, but I'd already seen all four on the blog and I solved them then. I liked all of them very much, especially the LITS variation. A lot of the other puzzles in the contest seem really nice, too; will definitely have a go at them over the next few days.

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