Sunday, August 30, 2020

Puzzle #196 - Exponential Hybrid (Masyukabe)

Man, it's been a little while since I created a hybrid of multiple genres- while brainstorming some variant puzzles I want to create, I hit on Masyu and Nurikabe and decided to construct it now rather than later. Solve as a standard Masyu puzzle. Additionally, all connected groups of cells not on the loop must contain exactly one number, indicating the size of that group as in Nurikabe. The loop may not pass through numbers. interface      penpa interface

My current posting plan is one more pair of puzzles tomorrow, then a bit of a break until I can post my next puzzle duel construction, then puzzle #200. After that, the next 25 should all be variants and hybrids so I can focus on that area some more, and then I'll work in the puzzles from my upcoming contest on LMI (starting in about a month!). I should be able to reach 270 by the end of the year...


  1. It is no less interesting than I would have expected. And an easy solve too.
