Sunday, September 15, 2024

Puzzles #649, #650 & #651 - IPC Round 1 (Fivecells, Cave, Yajilin)

Like last year, I helped contribute to the Indian Puzzle Championship this year. If you're interested in seeing the rest of the set, including bonus puzzles, check the link for details on how.

As usual, round 1 revisits puzzle types that appeared in Puzzle Ramayan throughout the year. I contributed 3 puzzles to this round, a 55 point Fivecells, a 30 point Cave, and a 25 point Yajilin.

I had a really tough time settling on a theme for my region division pick, but once I thought of putting pentominoes of clues into the grid, I had to run with it. It was a small step from there to try pentominoes of only 3s, and some initial steps proved quite workable and interesting, so I kept pushing at that idea until I had a finished puzzle. I'm a bit sad about the diagonal touching, but there was no way around it and the theme is still quite clear.

Cave was an option. I like Cave. I'm good at making Caves. So for some reason I tried to find a valid, interesting puzzle with this layout, and suffered for hours with multiple very close attempts that were a single ambiguous cell away. I also didn't start from this full layout, just one half with a cool opening, and eventually tried for the full symmetry after finding no good continuation.

Originally I had just claimed two spots in round 1, but the evergreens category remained empty as the deadline approached. So I made a Yajilin for the slot, didn't like it, made another Yajilin for the spot, thought it was a bit rough in the middle, and made yet another for the spot, which is this puzzle. This is a pretty slick layout I think, the bigger tilted square works really well for Yajilin.

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