Sunday, March 15, 2020

Puzzle #122 - PiPi (Doppelblock)

I spent most of my pi day doing non-puzzle things, until I did the currently ongoing Puzzle GP round tonight. I still wanted to make a puzzle for pi day, so have a belated Doppelblock puzzle.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Puzzle #119 - Monomino Mystery (Statue Park)

Seeing as the showcase required a piece bank with at least two different sizes, I thought I'd try a bank that contained a monomino. Statue Park is just not meant for that normally. I also tried to make my puzzle antisymmetric, as I thought that would make my puzzle stand out. I thought I could make better, though and so I kept trying.
The piece bank (all polyominos of size 1-4) is shown below.

Puzzle #121 - Snake Park (Statue Park)

And finally, my actual entry for Logic Showcase 13, which asked for a Statue Park puzzle with a piece bank with at least 2 different sizes. I decided to go for a piece bank with a shared property as I felt that it would allow for some interesting deductions, and people agreed with me as this ended up winning the showcase!
The piece bank is shown below, and contains all snakelike polyominos of size 3, 4 and 5.
I'm incredibly happy with how this one turned out.

Puzzle #120 - Castle Wall (Statue Park)

Make no mistake, this is another Statue Park puzzle. After the previous two, I felt ready to try to make a more involved puzzle. I really like how this one turned out, though it ran afoul of the multiple piece sizes requirement that the showcase had.
Piece bank for this puzzle is the 12 pentominos.
Turns out, that's the standard for a reason.

Puzzle #118 - Tetrominos (Statue Park)

The results for Logic Showcase #13 were posted today, and so I thought I'd post the 4 Statue Park puzzles I made, including my entry. This was actually the second puzzle I made, after my first attempt showed that I didn't really understand the type well enough.
Piece bank for this puzzle: the 5 tetrominos, conveniently shown in the puzzle.