Friday, May 28, 2021

Puzzle #351 - Tapa-Like Pentominous

Logic Showcase 25 recently concluded, with tasked people with taking Tapa style clues and mixing them with another puzzle type that doesn't normally have them. I immediately knew I wanted to make a region division puzzle, and settled on Pentominous since I thought it would give the right amount of push and pull. The rules for this puzzle are simple: divide the grid up into pentominoes, so that pentominoes that are the same shape do not share an edge. Numbered clues give the continuous sizes of regions around that clue.
The vertex clues were a really sad addition that I needed to disambiguate the corners at the end- I tried a lot of different options, from giving a few borders, to a pair of cipher clues, to adding an outer frame and placing clues there, to reworking existing clue values to force things, and nothing else really worked as well for the logic. It's a bit of a kludge but I still think the solve is nice.

1 comment:

  1. I keep breaking this puzzle, and I have no idea where I'm going wrong. Do you post solutions anywhere?
