Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Puzzles #501, #502 & #503 - Old Finds (Yajilin, LITS, & Nurikabe)

Despite my prior post looking to the future, I think this is a good time to look into the past. These 3 puzzles are some of the oldest I've ever made. Do they still hold up to my current standards? I think so - my standards haven't really changed but my ability to reach or exceed those standards has.

First up, a Yajilin. The more things change, the more they stay the same - I think I'd have been okay with this in Yajilin Yacht honestly.

Second, a LITS puzzle with internal borders. At the time I didn't think twice about including these and I recall it sparked a discussion of whether this was a variant or not. I don't think it is, but it's also definitely separate from puzzles without using internal borders. Kind of a stylistic choice.

Finally for today, I made a Rectangles Only Nurikabe (all unshaded areas must be rectangles). This was in response to someone - I don't remember who - making a No Rectangles Nurikabe, so I thought I'd try flipping it around. This is the less interesting variant of the two, though I think this is probably my favorite of these three puzzles. There's just something fun about it.

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