Monday, December 30, 2019

Puzzle #99 - Tri-Place (0)

Almost to 2020, can you believe it? This year just flew by- can't wait to see what amazing puzzles next year holds, and I'm also really hoping to do much better at speedsolving. I'm beating some really experienced solvers sometimes when comparing semi-casual times, so maybe I'll actually finish one of those tests at some point.

Anyway, onwards to the puzzle, a Tri-Place. It's a very, very rare puzzle type- not even 10 examples out in the wild, that I could find. For only 0 as a given, this one immediately jumped to mind- zeroes don't give much, but they should give enough to have an interesting solution. I hope you agree.

1 comment:

  1. There's more! I thought that 13 puzzles meant the additional Christmas puzzle.

    Quick, nice, and yet another type I haven't seen before. Thank you!
