Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Puzzle #100 - Happy New Year! (Fillomino)

Let's get right to today's Fillomino puzzle.

Thanks to everyone who's been solving this far. If you told me last year that I'd have posted 100 puzzles, while still having ideas and plans for more, I'd call you crazy. As for some future plans, I have 2 different ideas for competition sets I want to create, which I will attempt to do regardless of if those competitions get run anywhere. I also have my creation for Puzzler's Club Secret Solver ready to go, and will probably be sharing that tomorrow. I also think I'll break from this 25 puzzle chunking and simply post puzzles as I make them (with queued posts for days where I make multiple, or have to hold on releasing). But for now... some backstory :)

2019 was really the first year I focused on puzzles in any capacity, though I'd always had some assorted logic or word puzzle books at home. I was absolutely terrible at the few Nurikabe and Easy as ABC puzzles I came across and basically resorted to just guessing my way through- or crossing out the puzzle on breaking it badly >_<

At some point in 2016, I believe, a viewer of my Twitch stream (hi 33550336 if you're reading this) sent me a gift copy of a steam game. Later, I saw them playing Everyday Genius: SquareLogic, a KenKen game. Those aren't my favorite puzzle, but it had enough extra rules available (Futoshiki rules, for one) that for the price I thought it was worth picking up. A little bit later I got invited to the Discord, was generally dumb for lack of understanding some things, was terrible at solving the shared puzzles, and when trying to make them resorted to putting stuff down and guessing until all the rules were satisfied.

I got better.

I still have a long way to go.

I want to get faster at solving and be able to participate in an in-person event at some point. 24HPC seems possible in the future, if it's still run?

I want to get better at constructing. There are so many people who put out consistently high quality puzzles and I'd love to figure out how to build in some of the more intricate deductions I've seen.

I want to get better at solving. This isn't redundant- despite having worked through a lot of the puzz.link database, the harder puzzles still have me clueless on even how to approach them. The most recent WPF grand prix round showed exactly how much I still have to learn, with the mathier puzzles.

This last year has been a ton of fun, and I feel like it's only going to get better from here. Here's to 2020 and beyond!

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