Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Puzzle #23 - An Accidental Variant (Moon or Sun)

Here is a Moon or Sun puzzle. However, the solving interface will not mark this as correct, as it requires at least one symbol be passed when traveling through a region. I didn't realize this when constructing a later puzzle, so the "variant" rule of "all symbols of a type can be 0" applies here.
This, then, would be a valid solution to the Nikoli example puzzle, as it travels through all moons in the top left, then all suns, then all 0 moons in the top right, all 0 suns in the middle, all moons, and then all suns on the bottom.
If the only error you get is "A line passes neither the marks of the moon nor the sun." and you travel through every sun in every other region, you found the solution. Constructing this one was quite the task!
And now, a year later, there's a penpa interface that has a correct answer check!

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