Thursday, May 16, 2019

Puzzle #7 - The Four Fours (Nurikabe)

This Nurikabe is the puzzle that got me making puzzles. See, years ago I had tried making a puzzle with this exact central theme, but completely failed and couldn't force a unique solution. Then I tried again, almost on a whim, and not only could force a unique solution but also keep tweaking to create what I think is one of my best puzzles. I hope you agree!
Another medium difficulty puzzle, this one harder than the last.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, an excellent Nurikabe. For me, the solve proceeded in very small steps and a lot of them were rather tricky to see, but it was completely logical from start to finish and every single step was satisfying. It never got so tough that I'd be tempted to try bifurcation, and the use of connectivity was really nice. Thanks for a great puzzle.
