Friday, May 17, 2019

Puzzles #8, #9 and #10 - Adaptations (LITS, Akari, Cave)

All three of the puzzles in this post are on the smaller side, and were constructed for inclusion in the same Chip's Challenge 2 level as the 125436 Nurikabe a few posts ago.
First up is a LITS puzzle. The start is fairly obvious, but there's a step following that takes a bit of thinking.

Next up is the first object placement puzzle on the blog, an Akari. The type usually isn't too difficult without leaning on one of a few deductions, which will hopefully be showcased later.

Corral (or Cave, or Bag) is a genre that no one can seem to agree on the name or style of. I prefer to think of it as a shading puzzle, though some would treat it as a loop drawing puzzle. In any case, this is probably the trickiest of the batch here though entirely because the rules are trickier to grasp.

Update: the Akari lost a 0 somehow, as pointed out by bmcfluff. This has been corrected.

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