Sunday, March 28, 2021

Puzzles #329, #330 & #331 - Puzzles from Concentrate

I know, I know, I didn't put the puzzle types in the post title today even though I usually do. In my defense, writing out Cipher ShikakuFive?Cells and Ringring would have made it way too long, even for my standards, so you'll have to settle for the tags. These were made for or around the time of Logic Showcase 22, either as entries or in response to people discussing entries. The requirement was to make a puzzle using 36 or less cells.

First up, a Cipher Shikaku. Standard Shikaku rules, except each number has been replaced by a letter, different letters represent different values and the same letter must represent the same value. Pretty obvious why I rejected this one- I had 3 that I liked a lot more. There's not much substance here though it's pretty amusing that it works at all.

Secondly, I tried revisiting one of the very first puzzles I posted on this blog, a Fivecells/Palisade puzzle where the areas must be size 1-8 exactly once each. I couldn't quite get something overall satisfying out of it- everything felt too clue dense and my first attempt was broken. After it was brought to my attention, I made this antisymmetric one to replace it- low difficulty but it has a nice flow.
Also, someone entered a Fillomino variant where each shaded cell must contain a different value- which is an idea I wish I thought of. I wasn't quite able to make one of those I liked, either, though I did make one that worked that I preferred to the showcase entry. Maybe I'll have one of those to share soon?

Lastly, here's a Ringring. Low clue 6x6s were being discussed, and an idea I had didn't quite work on that size grid. So I tried it on an 8x8 and it didn't play nice, so I tried a 7x7 which was just right.

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