Friday, March 19, 2021

Puzzles #321 - #326 - Serpent's Tower (Snake and Variations)

A while back I made a Chip's Challenge 2 level featuring a few Snake puzzles, using doppelgangers to enforce walking along the correct path in each room. As a result, these are generally easier than my usual fare as I needed to make sure they were plausible to solve Witness-style without wrong moves!
Naturally, I started very small to introduce the basics. For the authentic experience, start in the bottom right and only shade cells adjacent to there until you're done.
Then I took it a step farther in the level with two possible starting locations (the second was in R7C6). It was supposed to be fairly trivial to determine the correct starting location, and so I've simply put the puzzle here.
Variant puzzle: Form a loop instead of a path. In the level, this room was entered moving right. It might be a little mean as there's a more structural deduction to really get going here.
Variant puzzle: Instead of outside clues, there are numbers inside the grid. These numbers may not be shaded and give the number of shaded cells surrounding them. As usual, this puzzle started at the bottom and was meant to be a step back in difficulty from the prior.
Variant puzzle: In addition to the previous set of rules, the snake must travel straight over all white circles and turn over all gray circles. Designing this puzzle for the CC2 level was extra challenging, as you could only see the bottom half before having to make the first move from the lower left. From that, I made sure that the start was evident from just what was visible.

That was the last Snake puzzle from my CC2 level, but I do have one more lying around as a bonus. Warning: may not have a clean logical path, but it probably does?

I still have another half dozen unposted puzzles I can post soon, though I'll spread those out one at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Dutch Snake was a thing of beauty. Thank you so much, Jeffrey!
