Friday, September 20, 2024

Puzzles #662 & #663 - 24HPC Loops (Nagare, All or Nothing)

I also contributed several puzzles to the Puzzlers Club rounds at the 2024 24 Hour Puzzle Championship this year. We authored two rounds, each with 24 puzzles. The first round had one puzzle themed on each Greek letter, while the second round was a double zodiac (signs and animals).

I don't remember why Psi got a Nagare puzzle. My notes apparently say it's a play on wind/pressure/Pounds per Square Inch/PSI/psi, but that's a huge stretch. Despite the size, this one is only worth 25 points, because the type is honestly pretty tame and hard to make difficult. Can't really complain too much though, as this was a struggle to make work at all honestly.

For Omega, yyao had made a pretty basic Simple Loop with a note to replace the slot in the case of a better puzzle. I thought All or Nothing would be a pretty fitting genre and had even written it down as an idea locally, so as construction was wrapping up and the round was tending a bit easier than desired, I made one to finish off the Greek round. I still have one puzzle left to share from the round, though...

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Puzzles #660 & #661 - More 24HPC Shading (Light and Shadow, Aquarium)

I also contributed several puzzles to the Puzzlers Club rounds at the 2024 24 Hour Puzzle Championship this year. We authored two rounds, each with 24 puzzles. The first round had one puzzle themed on each Greek letter, while the second round was a double zodiac (signs and animals).

I made my now-standard Light and Shadow for Lambda, after some research into what lambda was usually used to represent. Turns out it's often used for light, which provided justification for the genre pick. This one ended up being worth 60 points, which I think is pretty fair for the size. I remember being quite happy that the underside of the lambda was all question marks, which always provide some fun reachability options.

I also made an Aquarium for Rho with only row clues. Because I thought it would be funny. I did put some consideration into what genre with row/column clues would be a good pick, but nothing else seemed quite as promising. This puzzle tested pretty breezily at only 20 points, which is about what I was aiming for.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Puzzles #658 & #659 - 24HPC Domino Kurodoko

I also contributed several puzzles to the Puzzlers Club rounds at the 2024 24 Hour Puzzle Championship this year. We authored two rounds, each with 24 puzzles. The first round had one puzzle themed on each Greek letter, while the second round was a double zodiac (signs and animals).

Very early on I grabbed Beta and made a variant Kurodoko where instead of shading single cells, you shade dominoes instead. This variant does result in a bit of struggle for uniquely specifying the orientation, and can also sometimes have long-term propagations that break the puzzle way in advance. I'm pretty happy with how this 40 point puzzle turned out. I also wrote an example for the type, since it wasn't a classic type.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Puzzles #655, #656 & #657 - IPC Extras (Yajilin, Masyu All Cells)

Like last year, I helped contribute to the Indian Puzzle Championship this year. If you're interested in seeing the rest of the set, including bonus puzzles, check the link for details on how.

I had a couple extra puzzles I made that weren't used for competition - two alternate Yajilin options I didn't offer (since I liked the one that was used to much for the slot), and an All Cells Masyu meant for round 2 - logical optimizers. It didn't fit the round theme that well and there was already a puzzle with a similar vibe, so instead you get it as just an All Cells Masyu puzzle. Yay!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Puzzles #652, #653 & #654 - IPC Round 3 (Killer Doppelblock, Clone Snake)

Like last year, I helped contribute to the Indian Puzzle Championship this year. If you're interested in seeing the rest of the set, including bonus puzzles, check the link for details on how.

Round 3 was themed on taking sudoku variants and applying them to non-sudoku puzzles. I put myself down for number placement, wanting to make a puzzle of a type that has arithmetic normally combined with killer cages. I thought about a few types before settling on Doppelblock. I also signed up for clone Snake since I knew the combination had potential from old, old Islands of Insight rule prototyping. In fact, now that that game isn't getting new content, I know a lot of these old unused puzzles will stay unused, so retain all the rights to them. I've gone through my archive and have about 80 puzzles in this category I think are good enough to share, so at some point I'll have to set up solving interfaces/write rules/share them.

Anyway, Killer Doppelblock! Standard Doppelblock rules apply. Additionally, all the numbers inside a cage add up to the number in the corner of the cage. This is a pretty cool combination, where the different ways of getting partial sums interact in some really cool ways. This was worth 65 points.

Clone Snake: Standard Snake rules apply, with given endpoints and an unknown length. Two cages of the same shape and orientation must have the same arrangement of snake and not snake cells. The first puzzle here is actually one of those old IOI prototype puzzles, since I added it to the organization sheet after a couple failed constructions, to at least have a puzzle in the slot. I put a note that this was from a couple years ago and I didn't think anyone at the IPC would have seen it before. A few hours later, I finally turned up a satisfactory second puzzle, and added that to the sheet to provide an option for which puzzle to use. Prasanna chose both, worth 30 and 50 points.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Puzzles #649, #650 & #651 - IPC Round 1 (Fivecells, Cave, Yajilin)

Like last year, I helped contribute to the Indian Puzzle Championship this year. If you're interested in seeing the rest of the set, including bonus puzzles, check the link for details on how.

As usual, round 1 revisits puzzle types that appeared in Puzzle Ramayan throughout the year. I contributed 3 puzzles to this round, a 55 point Fivecells, a 30 point Cave, and a 25 point Yajilin.

I had a really tough time settling on a theme for my region division pick, but once I thought of putting pentominoes of clues into the grid, I had to run with it. It was a small step from there to try pentominoes of only 3s, and some initial steps proved quite workable and interesting, so I kept pushing at that idea until I had a finished puzzle. I'm a bit sad about the diagonal touching, but there was no way around it and the theme is still quite clear.

Cave was an option. I like Cave. I'm good at making Caves. So for some reason I tried to find a valid, interesting puzzle with this layout, and suffered for hours with multiple very close attempts that were a single ambiguous cell away. I also didn't start from this full layout, just one half with a cool opening, and eventually tried for the full symmetry after finding no good continuation.

Originally I had just claimed two spots in round 1, but the evergreens category remained empty as the deadline approached. So I made a Yajilin for the slot, didn't like it, made another Yajilin for the spot, thought it was a bit rough in the middle, and made yet another for the spot, which is this puzzle. This is a pretty slick layout I think, the bigger tilted square works really well for Yajilin.