Thursday, December 31, 2020

Puzzle #290 - Christmasyu Part 2 (Masyu Medley)

This is the second part of my Christmas gift for my mom- a Masyu variation mashup. I'll copy the rules I gave in the pdf I printed after the puzzle. interface penpa interface

Each 8x8 subsection of the puzzle obeys the rules of one of the Masyu variants [in the previous post]. Standard Masyu rules apply in all subsections, and a summary of all rules follows below.
Alternating: For the circles within this subsection, the loop must alternate touching black and white circles. This restriction does not apply outside the subsection. As an example, the loop may touch a black circle in the subsection, a black circle outside it, and then a white circle inside. However, black in, white out, black in is invalid.
Standard: No additional rules.
Deformable: White circles in this subsection may be filled in and act like black circles instead.
All Cells: All cells in this subsection must be used.
Tetromino: Cells not used by the loop in this subsection should form tetrominos. Each of the 5 shapes (I, L, O, S and T) must appear exactly once. Unused cells across subregion boundaries do not count for this restriction.
Dynasty: Cells not used by the loop in this subsection may not be orthogonally adjacent. Unused cells across subregion boundaries do not count for this restriction.

Enjoy the puzzle! I really enjoyed putting this together and was extremely surprised that the lower left would work like that! The difficulty is mostly fairly low here, but since this was for my mom... that just makes it more accessible to everyone else, doesn't it? 😁

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