Saturday, July 1, 2023

Puzzles #508 & #509 - Variant of a Variant (Quotient Cave)

After making a Product Cave puzzle, I had an idea. Why not invert that rule so that the number gives the quotient when dividing the smaller number from the larger? It seemed like it could give interesting logic and, to my knowledge at the time, was a totally original variant. In the years since I think I've seen it one other place - this was kind of the beginning of my dabbling with original ideas, something I've recently tried doing more. They'll surface eventually, I promise! I made two of these, the first went unused (though I like it quite a bit on a re-solve) and the second I tried for something harder using only 2-4. I ended up making the second puzzle during a pretty rough time in my life and I remember it took me a very long time to find a unique puzzle at all... a bit of the starting logic ended up lost in the tweaking. That's probably why it ended up at 100 points in the round, honestly. I was so relieved to have something that worked at the end of it all, though!

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